Joinville, March 27th, 2023 – Tupy S.A. (“Company”, B3: TUPY3) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, as resolved by the Board of Directors on this date, the Company will pay Interest on Equity (IoE) of R$ 41.365.433,18 as of October 17th, 2023, as follows:
Each share will correspond to R$ 0,28693653332. Withholding income tax of fifteen percent (15%) will be discounted from the payment, resulting in a net value of R$ 0,24389605332 per share, except for shareholders proving their exemption or immunity, according to the law in effect, who will be entitled to the aforementioned gross value of R$ 0,28693653332 per share.
The amount will be paid to shareholders of record on April 28th, 2023.
The credits will be available to shareholders as October 17th, 2023, at the checking accounts and bank address informed to Banco Bradesco S.A., the depositary institution of the shares. The Company’s shares will be traded “ex-interest on equity” as of May 02nd, 2023.
For shareholders whose records do not include the individual or corporate taxpayer number (CPF/CNPJ), the bank/branch, and checking account number, the proceeds will be credited within the following five business days after their information is duly regularized at any branch of Banco Bradesco S.A.
IoE unclaimed within three years as of the payment date will be time-barred and transferred to the Company (Law nº 6404/76, Article # 287, II, item a).
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