Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting – Invitation
Tupy S.A (BM&FBovespa: TUPY3), world’s largest foundry of iron blocks and heads, invites its shareholders to convene in Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held on April 29, 2016, 02:00 PM (BRT), at Rua Albano Schmidt n. 3,400, Boa Vista, Joinville (SC), Brazil, to discuss and deliberate on the following agenda:
At the ordinary general meeting:
a) evaluate management report, examine, discuss and vote on the Company‘s financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015;
b) decide on the allocation of profits for the year ended December 31, 2015;
c) elect the members of the Fiscal Council and their substitutes;
d) establish the overall annual compensation budget for directors, officers and members of the Fiscal Council for 2016;
At the extraordinary general meeting:
a) in accordance with article 150 of Law 6.404/76 and article 30 of the By-Law, elect the member of the Board of Directors that, replacing Mrs. Claudia Pimentel Trindade, will fulfil the unified mandate of the Board of Directors, regarding the nomination that took place in the Board of Directors Meeting of September 9, 2015.
This is a free translation of the original document in Portuguese and does not substitute the original documents that are linked below:
Click here to access the meeting‘s documents (in portuguese).